The Oratory's CCF RAF Section Field Weekend

RAF Duxford
On Saturday 11 March, our Oratory CCF RAF section visited the Imperial War Museum in Duxford along with other air cadets. They were taken on a tour through many displays, such as conservation in action, where the aircraft is currently being restored and preserved for generations to see. Among these aircraft was the Handley Page Victor XH648, which is the only remaining of its kind in the world.
Cadets also had the opportunity to walk inside a replica model of a comet, the world's first jet airliner, and get up close to some of the most well-known aircraft in the RAF.
Mr Nigel Todd, who oversaw this visit says, "This trip was such a wonderful experience for all. It was truly special to see this country's history just a few feet in front of us, and to read the stories of the pilots that risked their lives in World War II."
RAF Navigation Exercise
On Sunday 12 March, the Oratory CCF RAF section went on an exercise to test the navigational skills of the new cadets by having them navigate on foot from school to The Oratory boathouse whilst supervised by NCOs (Non-commissioned officers, comprised of experienced pupils of Oratory CCF from 4th Form and above).
The roundtrip was 12km with the route being chosen in previous CCF sessions using old-fashioned map and compass style navigating by the NCOs and 3rd Form cadets.
On Sunday, after having the cadets split into two equal groups comprising of equal NCOs and junior cadets, the first group left around 9:30am with a five-minute head start to separate out the two groups. However, for the second group, it was soon realised that the 3rd Form navigators had led the group in a complete circle for around an hour, leaving the first group with an hour lead over the second, which had them arriving at The Oratory Boathouse at around 11.00am. On leaving The Boathouse after lunch, at around 11.45am, they were given a much longer route to make up the time that the second group had added to their journey.
Having arrived at The Boathouse and eaten lunch, the second group then left at around 12:30pm with the realisation that they wanted to make it back before the end of term! The NCOs resumed most of the navigating duties and the journey went relatively smoothly. Then, in Woodcote (the route on the way back was different due to large hills which the groups would’ve had to climb), the second group spotted the first group turning a corner and henceforth a mad dash commenced for the finish line of the CCF parade ground.
After noble efforts by both teams the second group managed to take the lead and ended up victorious.