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I Am Known: I Am More

The Oratory Celebrates National Careers Week 2023

In celebration of National Careers Week, all Oratory Pupils will be exploring their options and learning more about the vast career opportunities available to them:

1st & 2nd Form
1st and 2nd Form pupils have all received a workbook to study from Amazing Apprenticeships, which introduces them to Careers and the world of work.

3rd Form
All departments have organised 3rd Form lessons this week with a 'Career Focus', in which Careers will be linked to the Curriculum. Questions such as ‘studying [subject] could lead to...’ will be explored, which will help 3rd Form with their future GCSE subject choices.

4th Form
4th Form will be encouraged to look ahead at their 16+ options. The first Careers session will look at T-Levels, which are new courses designed for 16-19 year olds who want to learn vocational skills and gain industry experience. Teachers will explain what T-Levels are, how they are run and the options they open-up for the future. 

5th Form
5th Formers will continue with their Morrisby Feedback sessions. Morrisby is a careers education, information, advice and guidance programme, which aims to inspire young people to take the best career journey for them.

L6th Form
All L6th Form will be given the opportunity to complete a free Careers and Personality test through Future Planner, which will help them with their 18+ decisions. 

U6th Form
U6th Form will be speaking with our Development and Alumni Relations Manager ahead of their induction into the Oratory Alumni network, which will see them allocated with a ‘career mentor’ from our Old Oratorian community. This venture has already proven successful with one pupil already being given career guidance through this scheme. 

Future Events
A Careers Fair will take place at The Oratory School on Friday 12 May. Further information to follow.


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