Oratory CCF Recruit Field Weekend

Just before half term, sixty of our 3rd Form Oratory CCF pupils attended their weekend out in the field at Dalton Barracks in Abingdon. The weekend covered building Basha shelters, cooking 24-hour rations, a night noise and movement exercise and general personal admin.
The following week, the whole contingent spent a day away from school taking part in a water activity day at the Andrew Simpson Water Sports Centre near Burghfield. Pupils had the opportunity to take part in both sailing and paddle boarding activities. They then travelled to St George’s Barracks to take part in the first of three sessions learning about TIBUA – Training in Built-up Areas.
In addition, 4 RAF cadets went to 6 AEF (RAF Benson) for a flight experience.
The weekend and additional activities gave Oratory pupils a fantastic insight and experience into all the exciting opportunities that life in the CCF has to offer.