Requiem Mass for deceased Old Oratorians

The annual Requiem Mass for deceased Old Oratorians of The Oratory School was held on Thursday 9 November at the Little Oratory, Brompton Road in west London.
Many pupils, parents, staff, governors, and members of our Oratory Community were in attendance. The Requiem was live streamed for those who were unable to attend.
There were readings by the Head, School Captains George Clark and Anya Parry and Oratory School Society President, David Connolly. Sacristans and senior members of the Schola were also involved. This is a very special event in our Oratory Community calendar, and we were delighted to also welcome back Old Oratorians Ollie Rae (OS 2016-2023 ) and Daniel Philips (OS 2014-2019), who sang with our choir.
After Mass there were refreshments and a gathering of guests, current staff and Old Oratorians of all ages at the Rembrandt Hotel.
We express our grateful thanks to the London Oratory for permission to celebrate our Requiem Mass once again this year.