Oratory English 1st Form's World Book Day Debate

On Friday morning, Mrs O'Sullivan's Oratory English 1st Form class invited Miss Smith’s Oratory English 1st Form to join a debate on Michael Morpurgo’s 'Private Peaceful', which they are all studying this term. Mrs O'Sullivan's class proposed the motion that Tommo, the novel's protagonist, was too young to go to war, and Miss Smith’s class were in opposition.
Both sets of speakers spoke articulately and convincingly, displaying an excellent engagement with the novel and its context, and there followed some respectful – and at times rather passionate – discussions.
It was wonderful to see all the pupils weighing the novel’s narrative with the historical context, balanced with their own anecdotes, and learning the skill of academic debate. Miss Smith’s opposition narrowly took victory, persuading one of the proposition to change their point of view. Certainly, all were keen for a rematch next term!